Thursday 8 April 2010

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (impressions)

There were several people in this story and were very interesting. Each people in this story had it's strong individuality. I'd like to tell you the scenes which gave me big impressions.

First, Tom's paintingthe fence scene. He made a lot of boys paint almostfences. And aunt Polly said "You are a good boy, Tom. You finished painting all the fences."
Tom likes no school, no work, but he is very clever and had good talent which I don't have.

Second, It was the grave scene at midnight. Tom and his friend saw a grave robbers and murder. The doctor wants a dead body. Because he cuts it up and wants to learn about. So his two men digged for him. They wanted a lot of money from him. Here I learned realities which the doctor want dead body. giving money to dig the grave up. I learned realities which the doctor wants dead body. This scene was very suspensive and the murder occurred suddenly.

The last, Tom enjoyed in his boys days very fleely, vividly and wildly by the Mississippi in a big nature through camping, fishing and swimming. His days were full of adventurous and even romanticism for our modern life.

written by Minemura

1 comment:

  1. Dear Minemura-san,
    I'm glad you enjoyed this classic. They certainly seemed like much simpler times back then, don't you agree?
    See you on Thursday!


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