Wednesday 24 June 2009

The Merchant of Venice

I have known the title of famous plays which were written by William Shakespeare, e.g. Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, The Merchant of Venice and Romeo&Juliet, but this is first time for me to read Shakespeare's play.

Writing Q34: In Act3 Scene2, Bassanio says, “Appearances are often false.” How are “false appearances” important in this story.

There are many “false appearances” on an important occasion in this book, e.g.
- When Bassanio choose the box, he said Appearances are often false, but the world still believes the tricks they play. In law, the worst lies are masked by
clever argument. In religion, the worst mistakes are excused by words in a church. All bad things can look good on the outside. A coward can make himself look brave with a thick beard and a serious face. An ugly woman can buy a beautiful face from a bottle. An attractive shore can hide a dangerous sea. A pretty mask can trick even the wisest man.
- Portia and Nerissa were disguised as Balthasar, a doctor of Law and his clerk as Antonio’s judgment, and they cheated everybody at justice. They also cheated their husbands.

I didn’t notice what Shakespeare wants to say in The Merchant of Venice when I was reading. I have noticed that, when I was doing above writing question No.34. I think he wanted to send his messages via his plays to the public, and his messages in The Merchant of Venice are:
- Don’t let the appearance fool you.
- Don’t fool words.
- Forgiveness is better than revenge.

These messages were reached emotionally to people who have read his book, The Merchant of Venice. I think this is why his plays have become famous in the world.

How do you think? I would be grateful if you leave your comments.




  1. Of course Shakespeare's plays have become known all over the world, and Shylock rather a stereotypical miser/vengeful plotter.

    I am glad you found a theme within the play, and that it made you consider something different.

    Well done, Koa.


  2. Koa-san
    I had a lot of fun with this book as same as you.
    I didn't read such a play story before I read this book, so I was surprised at the form of lines.
    Anyway, you felt glorious fun, don't you?


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