Sunday 25 January 2009

Nothing but the Truth

I like such kind of story because it is happy ending. And I want to visit Bangkok once. I know there are many famus buildings of temples and a palace to visit.

After reading 4. Word search. There are 13 words about the show here. How many can you find?

I found 13 words as below.
producer, understudy, song, lighting, act, part, star, publicity, ticket, stage, clap, director and actor.



  1. Takaaki,

    I used to live in/near Bangkok and must say I never enjoyed the place or the atmosphere there; I was there during the Pro-Democracy riots in 1993 which were very scary too.

    Pretty place to visit, and the food can be good, but a bit of a dump all in all. Maybe it got better? From what I can see on the TV, the political mood is still unresolved.


  2. Jim,

    I see.
    Yes, politically the country is not stable.
    I haven't been Asian countries so much. So I have just an good image of Thailand because of the temples and the palace.

    Have you visit many Asian countries? Do you have any recomendation of country to visit?




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