Tuesday 13 May 2008

The Ironing Man

(Q2) Which character do you like the most? Why?

Phil impressed me favorably.
He is a typical detective in a comic film. He behaves as if he is Sherlock Holmes or James Bond. Although he was a careless person in reality. He looks stupid.
But he was also kind man. When he looked Tom became sad from his 'incorrect' report, he could not tell Tom about his investigation anymore. He noticed later it was his misunderstanding. If anything, he was happy when he knew the fact. He gave a comical element to this serious(?) story.


  1. After Reading
    2.Which character do you like the most? Why?

    I like the detective the most. He had the important mistake like the beginner. The actions as his detective was a little childish.
    That actions are not hated but I like it. Because it was his first work.
    By the way, when I was a child I wanted to be the detective. Therefore, I often read detective stories. However, I didn't become the detective. Why? I don't know why.

  2. After Reading
    2.Which character do you like the most? Why?

    I like the Ironing man the most. He made Marina happier. He changed her life better. Marina spoke well to her husband, when the Ironing man came to their house. She was very happy on that day.
    And he changed Tom to think Marina’s life. Tom realized he loved Marina better than his work.


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